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Hello World!

Jan 23rd, 2024 (about 1 year ago)

Hello and welcome to my first blog post! For a long time, I've been keeping a lot of personal notes, thoughts, and reflections in my Obsidian vault. I've gathered these over the years from my learning and experiences. These thoughts, usually written down when I felt inspired, have stayed private and haven't been seen by anyone else.

But that's changing today.

I've realized that these ideas and discoveries could be helpful to others, just like they've helped me understand things better. So, I've decided to start this blog. My aim is to turn my private collection of knowledge into something that everyone can benefit from. It's like a treasure chest of ideas that we can all explore, discuss, and build upon.

Whether you're someone who loves learning, shares my interest in software engineering, data, AI, or financial markets, or if you just stumbled upon this blog, I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery and sharing knowledge. Together, we'll dive into these notes, uncover interesting insights, and start some interesting conversations.

Thanks for being here, and I'm excited to share my world with you!